
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Reduce your weight within a week

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


Don't eat unhygienic food

If you are upset with your increasing weight and want to look smart on any function in coming days. We will give you an emergency diet plan, with the help of which you can reduce your weight up to 4 to 6 pounds within a week. But keep it in your mind that this diet plan is for short time period as solid food is not allowed and you just have to take liquid food which will not fulfil all nutritional requirement and can prove harmful for your health.


Basic Rules

 Drink as much water as you can, 6 to 8 glasses per day. Take food according to set quantity and after 2 to 3 hours, take small meals so that you will not feel hungry and amount of sugar in blood will also remain controlled.


Start your day with fiber rich food

According to modern scientific research, fibrous food is important for your health. As compared to other rich foods, fibrous foods helps in food digestion in stomach and clean our intestines by acting as a brush.

Add 2 table spoons of brawnچوکر/بھوسی in 8 ounce warm water and drink it instantly. It is also very beneficial for your skin. Also drink a lot of water so that it can help fiber to clean your intestines.


Initial 3 days:


Breakfast:Initial three days are based on liquid intake so breakfast is very important. It will give you energy. Take 2 eggs and eat them (boil them/fry/or make omelet) use very less amount of oil.

If you dont like eggs then you can have fresh fruit.

 Use 1 slice of brawn bread and 4 ounces of juice (grapefruit /orange)

Tea without sugar (stop using sugar)

Fruits fulfil sugar requirements of your body. You can use small quantity of milk in tea.


At 11 o clock: use any juice in quantity of 4 ounce. Chill before drinking.


Lunch: make soup of any vegetable. Add some pieces of meat in it. You can use any spices of your choice to make it more delicious/flavorful except salt. Following is the recipe of Carrot Soup, try it:


Carrot soup

Take small pieces of meat and boil it. Add some pieces of carrot in it and cook on low flame. Soup is ready. Sprinkle some black pepper on top of it.

You can use chicken in place of Meat and can soup of any vegetable like this

Now comes the most important phase of dieting. How to make oneself used to it. Mostly you have noticed this thing if meal is presented well, simple food is eaten as if it is very delicious food. It will have pleasant effect on your health. Secondly, eat slowly. It will have psychological effect on your health and you will be able to fill your stomach soon. You can take a glass of lemonade with lunch.(lemon should be fresh)


At 4 o clock: 4 oz. of apple juice or any fruit that is available. You can make it tastier by different methods.

At 6 o clock (evening): again take soup (different vegetable) enjoy it with hot or cold drink.

At 8 o clock (night): Take one glass of juice (4 oz). If you are feeling more hu gry, you can take any uncooked vegetable or some pieces of cheese but carefully because it adds to calories.


4th and 5th day:In first 3 days you have only take liquid food. Now get back to your routine slowly. Take salad i stead of soup on 4th day and sprinkle some lemon on it. On 5th day take 4 oz meat in any form and put some cheese on it. Eat salad leaves. Also have some fresh fruits. You can take up to 900 to 1000 calories. Initially you will lose weight fast. If you could not reduce up to your expectations you can repeat this plan.


Instructions about exercise:

In starting days, absence of solid food you will feel weakness and won’t be able to do exercise. Do light exercise. When you switch to solid food then do routine exercises.


Taweez for loose tummy/belly: Yes, just write it and touch it on your belly and go to sleep. Many have tried. It will come in magazine of January 2021.


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